RBI is a global provider of color measurement products tailored specifically for the critical business challenges our clients face. We offer installation, training, and support throughout the process! RBI provides a broad spectrum of products that enable organizations to translate their printing agendas into measurable improvement in performance. We offer support contracts, maintence, certifications, service packages, trade-ins, and rebates for our products.
With auto scanning densitometers, colorbars are quickly measured to provide meaningful press control information. PrintFlow DC system processes this information, calculates the necessary press ink fountains adjustments and sends the calculated values to the press remote ink fountains control system. The press console then automatically adjusts ink fountain keys so that the required densitometric values would be maintained. PrintFlow DC employs both the benefits of CIP3 compatibility (Digital Ink Preset System) and advanced closed-loop color management to ensure accurate and consistent color.
All of our color bars and testforms are fully customize-able.
Standard Color Control Bars include 4, 6, and 8 color single and dual-tiered color bars in multiple lengths that contain neutral-gray patches, solids, tints, total area coverage patches, RGB overprint patches and targets.
Test Forms include measurement forms for sheetfed, web, and digital printing as well as diagnostic forms in sizes from 8.5”x11” to large format.
We sell and support carefully selected Certified Proofing Media especially developed to provide a very large color gamut, optimal White and Black point, minimal metamerism, and remarkable color stability - with the appropriate printability characteristics and roll size for your proofing device.
We help you in choosing and implementing the ideal substrate for your particular needs and industry segment and certify your contract proofs to international (ISO/Fogra, SWOP, GRACoL, SICOGIF) or customized press standards.